Everything I Know About Love by Dolly Alderton
Listened to this gem on audiobook while working. It was a fun and a relatable book and to be honest I will probably listen to it again or pick up a hard copy. I am justifying buying a copy since I listened to it through my Spotify premium subscription, so it was technically free #girlmath.
Now this is a 100% me problem, but the more soothing a voice is or flowy the narrator reads the story, the more I space out. It was wonderfully narrated but hence the me problem mentioned, I tuned out a bit, and I feel like this story deserves more of my attention.
Not only did she make me not feel alone in what I like to think is my lost era, but she was hilarious. Just as I’m sitting at my desk thinking what am I doing with my life and wondering if this new opportunity is right for me, I remember advice she gave or a passage with how she felt in a similar moment and my freak out is adverted.
Some parts were very relatable and others were just outlandish, but that’s only because I didn’t experience those situations in my life / lived a different lifestyle.